Nowadays, even before they can count, kids learn how to use a
smartphone. Along with
playing games, they use a variety of applications on it. They may quickly download their preferred games from the application store, change the wallpaper and ringtone on their phone, and more.
Let’s first try to understand how children are able to learn such things so rapidly and readiy without much assistance from their parents or teachers.

The answer is simple. Children pick up any concept easily if it is :
Visual in nature instead of blob of text.
Interactive in nature instead of theoretical.
When people use a smartphone, both of the above are present. This should provide us with some guidance on how to teach lessons to kids in a way that will enhance their learning.
Coding belongs to the same class. Children gain useful and vital life skills from it without even recognising it.
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That is only one of the many good reasons for parents to consider teaching their kids to code.
There are a number of other compelling arguments to persuade you that it is not only interesting but crucial in the present. Here are some other advantages of coding.
Benefits of Coding for Childrens
1). Improving Basic Mathematical Skills
When coding, the current problem is examined and divided into smaller subproblems.
Additionally, each subproblem must be solved carefully and patiently. By doing this, they can get over their aversion to math.
2). Critical Analysis
Every line in coding requires taking a decision. Students become critical thinkers as a result of this. They are introduced to a few STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields through this.
3). Perseverance
This is a significant matter. Programming is not a magic wand that carries out our every command. Instead, you must deliver precise and understandable instructions. If this isn’t done, the computer doesn’t display the expected outcome. It continuously asks us to experiment with new approaches. A critical skill is taught through this cycle of error and trial.
4). Being Imaginative
Children gain the confidence to accomplish more difficult tasks as they begin to create even simple things. They will not only become producers but also consumers thanks to this quality.
5). The Future’s aptitude
Not to mention, one of the most in-demand skills for the future is coding.
The advantages are numerous, and the opportunities are limitless. The learning curve in STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) will only become a little bit steeper if coding is not taught.
You should definitely give it a shot, so we advise you to!