7 Best SPAM Protection WordPress Plugins (Anti Spam Plugins)

Spam are a big problem for anyone with a WordPress site. Whether yours is a simple website with a few pages or a multi-user platform that hosts tons of user-generated content. Spam on the other hand will hurt your credibility with search engines as well as human web visitors. So as a wordpress user Spam protection is important to us. You can use any anti spam wordpress plugins to protect your site from spams.spam protection wordpress plugins

Here we listed 7 Best WordPress Anti Spam Plugin. use anyone of these and Stop WordPress Spam and improve google ranking.

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1). Akismet

Akismet is a very popular anti spam plugin that will help even the beginner WP user to eliminate spam.

While the number of downloads shouldn’t necessarily mean anything as far as effectiveness goes, I have used and loved Akismet greatly. I feel that the millions of users who downloaded the plugin feel the same way.

Akismet is free for small WordPress blogs but you will need to part with a 5-dollar-a-month fee for big commercial websites.

Major features in Akismet include:

  • Automatically checks all comments and filters out the ones that look like spam.
  • Each comment has a status history, so you can easily see which comments were caught or cleared by Akismet and which were spammed or unspammed by a moderator.
  • URLs are shown in the comment body to reveal hidden or misleading links.
  • Moderators can see the number of approved comments for each user.
  • A discard feature that outright blocks the worst spam, saving you disk space and speeding up your site.

>>>Download Akismet


reCAPTCHA is a free CAPTCHA service that protects your site against spam, malicious registrations and other forms of attacks where computers try to disguise themselves as a human; a CAPTCHA is a Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Human Apart. reCAPTCHA comes in the form of a widget that you can easily add to your blog, forum, registration form, etc.

WP-reCAPTCHA uses a unique system that utilizes archaic word combination for its CAPTCHA as opposed to a majority of anti-spam plugins that use the same flawed verification system. This is probably why people, read Google, Facebook and Twitter, love it so much.

>>>Download WP-reCAPTCHA

3). Spam Free WordPress

Spam Free WordPress is yet another lethal anti-spam plugin that is just about guaranteed to keep your site free of spam.

SPAM Free WordPress is one of the best anti-spam plugins according to the developers who claim that it can block all cases of automated spam without false positives whatsoever. Hello Akismet?

For what it’s worth, the SPAM Free WordPress plugin has great features including zero-reliance on CAPTCHA, low database load especially during heavy server traffic and IP address blacklisting. Sounds pretty cool if you ask me.

>>>Download Spam Free WordPress

4). Growmap Anti Spambot Plugin (G.A.S.P)

This plugin will add a client side generated checkbox to your comment form asking users to confirm that they are not a spammer. It is a lot less trouble to click a box than it is to enter a captcha and because the box is genereated via client side javascript that bots cannot see, it should stop 99% of all automated spam bots.

A check is made that the checkbox has been checked before the comment is submitted so there’s no chance that a comment will be lost if it’s being submitted by legitimate human user.

>>>Download G.A.S.P

5). WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam

An extremely powerful and user-friendly WordPress anti-spam plugin that eliminates comment spam, trackback spam, contact form spam & registration spam.

Most of the spam hitting your blog originates from bots, but quite a bit comes from humans too. This plugin works like a firewall to ensure that your commenters are in fact, human, and that those humans aren’t spamming you.

>>>Download WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam

6). Anti-spam

Anti-Spam plugin not use any filling captcha system or ticking checkbox. This plugin works as a WordPress Spam Filter Plugin. Anti-spam plugin blocks spam in comments automatically, invisibly for users and for admins.

  • no captcha, because spam is not users’ problem
  • no moderation queues, because spam is not administrators’ problem
  • no options, because it is great to forget about spam completely

Plugin is easy to use: just install it and it just works.

>>>Download Anti Spam

7). Anti-spam by CleanTalk

CleanTalk is an anti-spam protection 4 in 1 for WordPress that protects login, comments, contact and WooCommerce forms all at once. You don’t need to install separate anti-spam plugins for each form. This allows your blog to work faster and save resources. After installation you will forget about spam, CleanTalk plugin will do all the work. You won’t have to deal with spam, CleanTalk will do this for you automatically.

CleanTalk is a transparent anti-spam protection, they provide detailed statistics of all entering comments and logins. You can always be sure that there are no errors.

>>>Download Anti Spam by CleanTalk

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Abhay Pratap Singh
Abhay Pratap Singhhttps://www.itechcube.com
Abhay Pratap Singh is Digital Entrepreneur, Who is Making Money From the Internet since 2012. He Also Works as a Freelancer and Does Web and Mobile app Development. Apart from That, He Invests in Stock Market and Crypto Currencies. Here in iTechCube, Writes about Blogging, WordPress Guides, and Tutorials to help begginers.


  1. Very nice and wise collection of words to describe the importance of anti-spam plugins.
    I am running a video website. And when I started it, the Akismet was already installed. I want to ask is it necessary to install more anti-spam plugins to protect my website. I mean, professionally how many anti-spam plugins should be installed if you want 100% protection.

    • Hi vinay, installing more plugins can slow down your site. so its good to install only single anti spam plugin. you can choose any of them but don’t install more plugins.


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