7 Great Ways to Become a Successful Blogger

With the advancement and boom of digitization, internet penetration and social media, another upcoming trend has gripped individuals as well as small and businesses alike- it’s the subtle art of blogging.

At its core, a blog is a website or a webpage that is frequently updated with relevant content users enjoy engaging with and sharing on social media. Small businesses are slowly turning to running blogs to increase user engagement, generate interest and get noticed by the youth. However with thousands of bloggers out there, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea to become a successful blogger and offer something unique that stands apart.

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If you’re an individual who likes sharing his ideas and views with the world, or a business using the medium of blogging to engage with customers, there are a few tips every blogger can keep in mind for better user engagement:

Exploit Social Media

Use Social Media to the hilt because that is where your audience is present. Your audience is viewing you on a digital platform and that’s why you must exploit the power of social media to reach your users be it Facebook, Google +, Twitter, LinkedIn or Tumblr, make sure your ideas see the light of day on maximum social media platforms to reach as much crowd as possible.

Understand SEO Nuances

Writing creative ideas is one thing, but getting noticed by the Google search engine is another. Make yourself well versed with SEO to know exactly what your users are looking for. It’s very important to come under the Google Search scanner if you want your audience to find you and this can only be done by incorporating keywords that your audience would search for.

Use Referral Schemes

One of the great ways to get traffic and popularity is by using referral schemes from websites like CashKaro. If you’re a blogger who writes about mobiles, you can add the URL to buy mobiles using discount coupons from CashKaro.com. This will drive traffic and you will earn referral points that will allow you to earn money with every purchase your reader makes through CashKaro. Such keywords will also help your blog get a higher visibility in Google Search Engine Result Page. (SERP)

Keep the Blog Up to Date

Keep your blog constantly updated as this is what drives customers to continuously come and look for new content and new ideas. Interact with your viewers, if they leave comments, comment back where possible, answer their queries, thank them for the appreciation, and keep the communication two way and not one way. When your consumer feels he’s part of the loop, he’ll definitely make it a point to share it with others as well gaining you better popularity and credit scores.

Be Highly Relevant

Being relevant is a key factor for your blogs success. People like to read up fresh and new content in an interesting and engaging manner. If you’re able to use a current news item and turn it around into something interesting for your readers, chances are you’ll get a good view for that blog. People don’t want to read the same news a few days later hence make sure you’re relevant. If you’re a product company selling laptops, keep up with major sales to make your audience aware that they can purchase your laptop at Amazon, using Amazon India Coupons to let them earn a good discount with other benefits such as cash back which will in turn make your post relevant and popular and chances are your readers will share it with their friends as well because who can refuse a good offer?

Understand the Audience Vernacular

The trick is to reach out to your customer in their language. Don’t always be product oriented, throw in something different now and then and let your audience enjoy your content and make them eagerly wait for the next post.

Be Original and Interesting

If you’re able to get audience loyalty, there is nothing better than that for any blogger. Don’t write in a language your audience is unable to understand. Instead if your audience is young and dynamic then use quirky lines, one liner jokes, catchphrases and catchy words to get good views and feedback. In short don’t be a bore!

Blogging is a great way to get the message out to users and customers and if done the right way can get hundreds of people to like, comment and share your ideas that will in turn help generate more traffic for you. Hence remember at the end of the day, content is king! If you write well and know the inside tricks of the trade, you’ve got it all covered!

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