10+ Best Free & Pro Domain WHOIS Lookup PHP Scripts

With Domain Whois Lookup tool we can get information of domains and websites. there are many popular domain whois search tools available. But if you are thinking to build your own whois lookup site then here are few Free and Premium PHP scripts to easily build whois lookup site. Free script have limited features But premium scripts are more powerful. If you are going for professional look, We recommend to use Premium Whois Lookup Scripts.

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Free Whois Lookup Scripts

#1. Whois Lookup Script

A PHP script for performing WHOIS lookups on domain names. This script available for free to download and also has premium version. Free version has some limitations But Premium version have lots of more options. You can display adsense ads or godaddy affiliate links.

[su_button url=”https://whoislookupscript.com/” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#37cc36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”9″ radius=”0″ icon_color=”#c7f2fc” rel=”nofollow”]MORE / INFO[/su_button]  [su_button url=”https://whoislookupscript.com/demo.php” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#37cc36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”9″ radius=”0″ icon_color=”#c7f2fc” rel=”nofollow”]DEMO[/su_button]

#2. php easy: whois lookup script

Whois Lookup Script is intended to lookup for domain registrant data for all top-level domains (both generic and country-code types are supported, 158 TLDs in total), and also for IP whois lookups. Update: now provides only unique whois results and cuts off comments when querying different whois servers for IP data

[su_button url=”https://www.phpeasycode.com/whois/” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#37cc36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”9″ radius=”0″ icon_color=”#c7f2fc” rel=”nofollow”]MORE / INFO[/su_button]  [su_button url=”https://www.phpeasycode.com/showdemo.php?target=/whois/whois.php” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#37cc36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”9″ radius=”0″ icon_color=”#c7f2fc” rel=”nofollow”]DEMO[/su_button]

#3. Domain Search

You can easily find available, and expired domains with this tool. You only need to enter a keyword like your name without spaces, or use hyphen’s instead of spaces, and it will automatically search for available top level domains.

[su_button url=”https://programs.orgfree.com/php/whois_lookup/index.php” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#37cc36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”9″ radius=”0″ icon_color=”#c7f2fc” rel=”nofollow”]MORE / INFO[/su_button]  [su_button url=”https://programs.orgfree.com/php/whois_lookup/index.php” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#37cc36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”9″ radius=”0″ icon_color=”#c7f2fc” rel=”nofollow”]DEMO[/su_button]

#4. CJ Domain Whois

The script allows users to lookup domain name availability. The script can be used as part of a web sites ordering process or can be used to redirect traffic to an affiliate. The script is fully customisable using style sheets.

The CJ Domain Whois is multilingual, currently supporting English, French, Dutch, Arabic, German and Swahili!

[su_button url=”https://www.cj-design.com/products/free-downloads/php-scripts/cjdomainwhois” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#37cc36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”9″ radius=”0″ icon_color=”#c7f2fc” rel=”nofollow”]MORE / INFO[/su_button]  [su_button url=”https://www.cj-design.com/demos/cjdomainwhoisv1/index.php” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#37cc36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”9″ radius=”0″ icon_color=”#c7f2fc” rel=”nofollow”]DEMO[/su_button]

#5. Max’s Whois

Max’s Whois is a semi professional domain whois script which allows you to check domain availability before registration. The script supports the most important tlds like .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .name, … A list of almost 100 tlds are included as well. Installation and setup is very simple. You only need to upload the files to your webserver and set the relevant tlds.

[su_button url=”https://www.phpf1.com/product/domain-whois-script.html” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#37cc36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”9″ radius=”0″ icon_color=”#c7f2fc” rel=”nofollow”]MORE / INFO[/su_button]  [su_button url=”https://www.phpf1.com/product/domain-whois-script.html” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#37cc36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”9″ radius=”0″ icon_color=”#c7f2fc” rel=”nofollow”]DEMO[/su_button]

#6. PHP Whois script

PHP script to get whois information from whois server. This script supports IP whois and 140 tlds and cc-tlds

[su_button url=”https://99webtools.com/blog/php-whois-lookup-class/” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#37cc36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”9″ radius=”0″ icon_color=”#c7f2fc” rel=”nofollow”]MORE / INFO[/su_button]  [su_button url=”https://99webtools.com/blog/php-whois-lookup-class/” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#37cc36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”9″ radius=”0″ icon_color=”#c7f2fc” rel=”nofollow”]DEMO[/su_button]

#7. FunkWhois

FunkWhois – A whois domain lookup tool. Can be configured for single tld or multiple tld look up. Can display the owners details for domains already registered and has the option to link to your registration script.

[su_button url=”https://www.3ascripts.co.uk/whois/index.htm” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#37cc36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”9″ radius=”0″ icon_color=”#c7f2fc” rel=”nofollow”]MORE / INFO[/su_button]  [su_button url=”https://www.3ascripts.co.uk/whois/whoisx.php” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#37cc36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”9″ radius=”0″ icon_color=”#c7f2fc” rel=”nofollow”]DEMO[/su_button]

Premium Whois Lookup Scripts

#8. Whois Script

Whois Script is a powerful PHP based script to fetch all the information about a domain instantly and efficiently through AJAX. Script is fully responsive based on bootstrap 3 and adjustable on any mobile or tablet screen. This script is intended to lookup for domain registrant data for all top-level domains (both generic and country-code types are supported, 158 TLDs in total), and also for IP whois lookups.

[su_button url=”https://codecanyon.net/item/whois-script/10572196?ref=trixhub” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#37cc36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”9″ radius=”0″ icon_color=”#c7f2fc” rel=”nofollow”]MORE / INFO[/su_button]  [su_button url=”https://codecanyon.net/item/whois-script/full_screen_preview/10572196?ref=trixhub” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#37cc36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”9″ radius=”0″ icon_color=”#c7f2fc” rel=”nofollow”]DEMO[/su_button]

#9. Bulk Whois Domain Script

This script now comes with 450+ tlds and a built in modal pop up for the whois of domains. This script also have feature for Bulk Alexa rank checker, Bulk Google Pagerank Checker, Bulk domain availability checker. With this script you can check unlimited domains to see whether they are available to register or not.

[su_button url=”https://codecanyon.net/item/bulk-whois-domain-availability-checker-script/6446220?ref=trixhub” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#37cc36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”9″ radius=”0″ icon_color=”#c7f2fc” rel=”nofollow”]MORE / INFO[/su_button]  [su_button url=”https://codecanyon.net/item/bulk-whois-domain-availability-checker-script/6446220?ref=trixhub” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#37cc36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”9″ radius=”0″ icon_color=”#c7f2fc” rel=”nofollow”]DEMO[/su_button]

#10. Bulk Domain Checker + Whois Lookup

Bulk Domain Checker + Whois Lookup build with simple coding , simple structure and easy to use.Domain checker support Domain recommendation that allowing you to set custom words, insert you list of some word and then script will be randoming and insert your words into base domain name, or checking another exetsions first if domain name have been registered before. You can display advertisements and also earn affiliate commission on domain sales.

[su_button url=”https://codecanyon.net/item/bulk-domain-checker-whois-lookup/4428543?ref=trixhub” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#37cc36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”9″ radius=”0″ icon_color=”#c7f2fc” rel=”nofollow”]MORE / INFO[/su_button]  [su_button url=”https://codecanyon.net/item/bulk-domain-checker-whois-lookup/full_screen_preview/4428543?ref=trixhub” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#37cc36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”9″ radius=”0″ icon_color=”#c7f2fc” rel=”nofollow”]DEMO[/su_button]

#11. Webmaster Tools

Webmaster Tools is lightweight and easy to install PHP Script which contains a collection of webmaster tools developed to help with their daily chores. The application have 18 built-in unique services which can be easily configured to your own needs. We can say this script is all in one PHP script.

[su_button url=”https://codecanyon.net/item/webmaster-tools/4567057?ref=trixhub” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#37cc36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”9″ radius=”0″ icon_color=”#c7f2fc” rel=”nofollow”]MORE / INFO[/su_button] [su_button url=”https://codecanyon.net/item/webmaster-tools/full_screen_preview/4567057?ref=trixhub” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#37cc36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”9″ radius=”0″ icon_color=”#c7f2fc” rel=”nofollow”]DEMO[/su_button]

#12. AtoZ SEO Tools

A to Z SEO Tools is a Search Engine Optimization Tools. This script have more than 50 SEO Tools to keep track your SEO issues and help to improve the visibility of a website in search engines. It also has feature to check whois database. you can use this script to build whois checker site as well as many other features.

[su_button url=”https://codecanyon.net/item/atoz-seo-tools-search-engine-optimization-tools/12170678?ref=trixhub” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#37cc36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”9″ radius=”0″ icon_color=”#c7f2fc” rel=”nofollow”]MORE / INFO[/su_button] [su_button url=”https://codecanyon.net/item/atoz-seo-tools-search-engine-optimization-tools/full_screen_preview/12170678?ref=trixhub” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#37cc36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”9″ radius=”0″ icon_color=”#c7f2fc” rel=”nofollow”]DEMO[/su_button]


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Abhay Pratap Singh
Abhay Pratap Singhhttps://www.itechcube.com
Abhay Pratap Singh is Digital Entrepreneur, Who is Making Money From the Internet since 2012. He Also Works as a Freelancer and Does Web and Mobile app Development. Apart from That, He Invests in Stock Market and Crypto Currencies. Here in iTechCube, Writes about Blogging, WordPress Guides, and Tutorials to help begginers.


  1. Thank you very much for this helpful article. #1. Whois Lookup Script is the best script for me. It can display complete WHOIS information.

  2. Great post! I am looking to build a site just for whois. There’s some really nice ones in the list but my favorite and the one I am going with is the pro version of Whois Lookup Script. It’s looks simple and it comes with everyone one needs in affiliate links and google adsense.

  3. I started my web development company and first three to four months I got very few customers. I was thinking for someone who can guide me to proper gateway and found a way


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