7 Best Ways to Marketing with Social Media

Honesty for social media marketing would be the first step towards building a more tangible and emotionally rewarding network. In an effort to lead creative social media marketing, the purpose of the campaign should be made clear first. Whether you are using it to:

  • Drive traffic to your personal website.

  • Drive traffic to your employer/company’s website.

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  • Build personal brand awareness.

  • Build company brand awareness.

  • Find contract work.

  • Drive votes at social news sites.

  • Accomplish purely personal goals.social media zd4swq

Before listing the most creative ways to use social media marketing, let us first list some platforms, based on the number of registered users, you can consider. (Approximate figures)

Also Read: 14 Ways to Get More Shares On Facebook

  • 100 Million+ Users (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, Myspace)

  • 25 Million+ Users (Reddit, Flickr, Yelp, Wikipedia)

  • 10 Million+ Users (Tumblr, StumbleUpon, Slideshare, Scribd)

  • Upcoming (Dribbble, Forrst, FourSquare, StackExchange)

Reaching out for more customers and prospects, building relationships and ultimately expanding your business should be the aim of your social media marketing strategy. Using creative social media ideas to market your business may just be the right tool to help drive sales and the suggestions would be endless. Here we go:

1. Color It Up With an Image

Using attractive images will help you drive traffic from Pinterest, help you generate likes and comments, get the attention you need and promote your shares. Grab your crowd with a great image and always keep them asking for more.

2. Add Your Logo

Social media has been an integral part of almost every business from the product to service end. It would be great idea to include your business logo to your social media marketing campaign. An attractive and yet professional looking logo on your web page will help you increase followers, friends and increases a perception of your business size. Your brand identity across various platforms becomes distinct and helps you stand out from competitors.

3. Create a Blog

Create your blog with quality content which describes your business well and helps provide information to your network. This would keep them interested and encourage them to spread the word.

4. Embed QR Codes

Quick response codes will help the users to instantly download information which will be used to provide feedback and suggestions. This increases interaction and helps in business development.

5. Upload a Video

Creating and uploading a video is the latest trend to get more ‘likes’ and ‘shares’. People these days find it boring sometimes to read through the content, thus video marketing on social media sites helps them expand their network.

6. Ad-Free Content

Make sure your content over various platforms is ad-free. Look forward to earn through increase in sales, and not by letting advertisers crawl within your content.

7. Stunning Design

Lastly combining all the aspects of creative marketing, make sure your web page looks stunning and should appeal to the masses.

Social media helps benefit the smallest of business ventures through a combined effort of creativity and marketing strategies. Using these techniques would prove to be beneficial in not only gaining a network of users, but also help you gather the ‘link juice’ you need for a successful online social media marketing campaign.

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Abhay Pratap Singh
Abhay Pratap Singhhttps://www.itechcube.com
Abhay Pratap Singh is Digital Entrepreneur, Who is Making Money From the Internet since 2012. He Also Works as a Freelancer and Does Web and Mobile app Development. Apart from That, He Invests in Stock Market and Crypto Currencies. Here in iTechCube, Writes about Blogging, WordPress Guides, and Tutorials to help begginers.


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