3 Ways a PDF Converter Can be Useful to Web Designers

Most “Top Tools for Web Designers” list-makers focus on free font websites, color-picker tools, big file sending services, code generators, template galleries, etc. However, a comprehensive list will also include a multi-purpose PDF converter, because such a tool can be of great help both to beginner and professional designers.

PDF converter software developed by Investintech features three conversion options that are particularly useful to web designers:

1) PDF to HTML

When creating websites, designers often pull information from different sources and use it in their work. This often saves them the time they would otherwise spend creating and encoding new graphics.

A lot of textual, image and video material that circulates on the Internet is in PDF form because of the format’s universal viewing characteristics, so PDFs are commonly used as sources for extracting information and embedding it in a website.

Able2Extract PDF Converter is known as one of the smoothest PDF to HTML converters that allow users to repurpose their PDFs and generate new web content in three easy steps:

Open the PDF file.pdf to html

Select the whole document or only parts you wish to convert.

pdf converter

Select the whole document or only parts you wish to convert.pdf converter1

2) PDF to Images

Another Able2Extract’s feature that web designers can benefit from is PDF to Images conversion option. Users can extract images from PDFs and turn them into any of the five most popular image formats: JPEG, BMP, PNG, TIFF and GIF. This way they can customize their images to suit their needs, create HTML galleries and even create GIF animations.

The conversion process is the same as in the PDF to HTML conversion, except the users are offered one more step where they can choose additional customization options.PDF to Images

3) Scanned PDF conversion

There are two versions of Able2Extract software: Standard and Professional. While the Standard smoothly converts native PDFs into image formats, the Professional version also includes OCR technology and allows users to convert scanned PDF images as well. This is becoming a very popular software feature and one that can particularly interest web designers, photographers and anyone who is working on digitizing their rich print photo history.

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